ROAD TO CES 2022: The Nominees We're Most Excited to See | RainStick Shower
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ROAD TO CES 2022: The Nominees We're Most Excited to See

With the Holiday Season approaching our team is hard at work preparing for Eureka Park at CES® happening January 5th- January 8th in Las Vegas. Our team will be there live and debuting RainStick Shower for the very first time. We also are thrilled to be able to see some fellow Best of Innovation Winners and Honourees at CES such as, OtO Lawn, IRSAP Spa, Mui Labs and Agrove.

What is CES 2022?

CES 2022 is better known as the Consumer Electronics Show and it is an annual technology conference hosted in Las Vegas by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA). Since the first show in 1967, CES has hosted a wide range of brands who have featured products that have changed our lives such as, Apple Computers in 1977, the flip phone in 2004, and Go Pro in 2013. CES is considered the most influential tech event in the world where some of the world's largest and well known companies come to showcase their products and connect with innovators in technology. Brands of all sizes will be on display in over 30+ product categories and some debuting never before seen technology.

How is RainStick a Part of CES 2022?

RainStick Shower has most recently been selected by a panel of over 100 influential judges in the tech space as the CES 2022 Best of Innovation Award Winner in the Smart Home Category. We will also be featured in Eureka Park at CES which is considered a startup hub where startups can connect with mentors, investors and other founders who can help take their venture to the next level. Investors often come to Eureka Park to find their next new technology to invest in. RainStick will also have a CES Eureka Park Booth set up where you can come meet our team and see RainStick live and in action.

RainStick is also one of the few climate technologies that will be debuting at CES. Climate change continues to be a focus in many conversations. We are honoured to be able to be one of the companies fighting climate change at the centre of what we do. We hope to be able to provide a new understanding to how you can make decisions with climate action in mind, starting in the home.

Fellow CES Innovation Award Nominees We Can’t Wait to See

OtO Lawn

Founded by Ali Sabti, The world’s first smart outdoor device that waters your lawn while also applying natural solutions to keep your garden green and pest free is the smart water sprinkler you’ve been waiting for.

This fellow Canadian startup has done absolutely amazing work in this space and we personally love the idea of an automatic lawn sprinkler system that efficiently uses water ensuring all areas of your lawn are meticulously cared for. It really makes you think, what other areas do we use water excessively?

Learn more about OtO Lawns at:

Polygon by IRSAP Spa

Our team loves seamless design, efficient smart home products and customized consumption levels. Polygon has it all by being the first IRSAP product with built in WIFI connection. This radiator allows consumers to control their energy consumption by setting their desired home temperature.

We love forward thinking design and feel that Polygon has created a radiator that compliments modern interior design furniture in a way that would suit any space. Not only does Polygon measure the air quality but it also measures the CO2 levels inside your home. Their App the IRSAP NOW also allows users to have easy-to-use HVAC experiences. We can’t wait to see this on display live and in person.

Learn more about IRSAP Spa at:

Mui Platform by Mui Lab, Inc.

At RainStick, we’re fans of minimal tech while still having the benefits of technology. The Mui Platform by Mui Lab, Inc is a smart home platform designed to create a relaxing, distraction-free digital environment with any IoT device. This technology enables people to live even more humanly than they already do by giving people the opportunity to receive only necessary information in an effortless manner.

This coupled with Mui Labs' focus on natural materials makes it able to compliment any space while serving up endless benefits. In the days of constant popup notifications and alerts we love the idea of the Mui platform. Who knows maybe one day you will use your Mui platform to interact with your RainStick Shower?

Learn more about the Mui Platform by Mui Lab at:

La Parcelle by Agrove

Concrete jungles have long replaced lush green expanses, Agrove is changing the future of urban agriculture with La Parcelle, the first vertical garden that empowers the city’s inhabitants. They are redefining what it means to be a smart city by emphasizing the benefits of being a smart green city. La Parcelle is a modular vertical cultivation system design for urban community gardens and can be connected via 2 apps. The first one is a monitoring app for garden managers and another a learning app for citizens.

Many of us have an appreciation for large cities but long for green spaces to connect with nature and ourselves. We at RainStick love the use of tech to design outdoor spaces in this creative way and cannot wait until La Parcelle becomes readily available in Canada. (Although a green house function will be necessary for the brisk Canadian winters).

Learn more about Agrove at:

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